Autumn is a busy season for language learners and teachers in Japan. Many conferences are held in Autumn. Next Sunday The
3rd JALT Joint Tokyo Conference will be held at Toyo Gakuen's Hongo campus. Last year, the 2nd JALT Joint Tokyo Conference was held at Toyo Gakuen University and some Togaku students attended. They enjoyed it very much. Please read this
comment by a Togaku student about last year's conference.
Toyo Gakuen students and teachers are participating in PAC7 at JALT2008 too.

In November, Togaku students and teachers will be participating in the ETJ Tokyo Expo. The ETJ Tokyo Expo will be held at Toyo Gakuen Hongo campus. I will be making a presentation I hope you'll come.

Toyo Gakuen students and teachers are working hard to make learning and teaching English better in Japan!!