Tuesday, May 01, 2012

英語総合1A Global Issues 2012 Unit 3: Culture Shock

Photo by iStockphoto. Used with permission
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the long week-end. Today we are going to start our next unit - Culture Shock. Let's start with some vocabulary study. Please click here: 英語総合1A Vocabulary flash cards.
What is culture shock? Here are some sentences about culture shock from space alc:

Culture shock affects people in different ways; physical and mental tiredness, depression, homesickness, irritability, becoming critical of the new culture.
カルチャーショックは、人によって異なる悪影響を及ぼします。肉体的・精神的疲労、抑鬱症、ホームシック、イライラ、新しい文化に批判的になるなどです。◆【出典】Hiragana Times, 1998年11月号(株式会社ヤック企画)

Culture shock usually takes places about 3 months after arriving in a foreign country and is a negative reaction towards the new country, as a result of culture fatigue, from trying to adapt and communicate in an unfamiliar environment.
カルチャーショックは通常、外国に到着してから約3カ月が過ぎた頃に起こり、それは、新しい国に対する否定的な反応として現われます。不慣れな環境に順応し、気持ちを伝えようと努力することで、文化的に疲労した結果なのです。◆【出典】Hiragana Times, 1998年11月号(株式会社ヤック企画)◆URLhttp://www.hiraganatimes.com/

Now click the for the Unit 3: Culture Shock Study Guide.

Have you ever experienced culture shock? Please tell us about your experience of culture shock. Leave a comment below.


  1. Yuta I10:23 am

    If I ware a foreign person, I would be shocked to crowded train in Japan.

  2. takazumi O.10:25 am

    My culture shock is about “a toilet without a door”.

    Because Japan does not have a toilet without a door.

  3. yukihiro M10:28 am

    if I ware an American.
    I would experience Culture Shock about a crowded train.
    It`s so bad!

  4. Kenta A10:28 am

    When I went to india. I think that food is very hot spicy for me in indian.

  5. Hiroshi S10:28 am

    I have never experienced a culture shock because I have never been abroad.

  6. kazunari U10:28 am

    Different shape of rise and Japan when I went to Canada.

  7. Daisuke O10:29 am

    When I went to Singapore, I found that there are no vending machines.In that country all the people pay attention to landscape.

  8. Akihiro k.10:29 am

    I think that American is more forgive than Japanese about joke. I was shocked this culture shock.

  9. Keita N10:29 am

    I don't understand custom of tipping.
    I think it would be a waster.

  10. Yoshiharu M10:29 am

    I experience Culture shock when I went to Koube.
    I do not understand kansaibenn which is dialect.
    But,it is interesting for me to listen to kansaibenn.

  11. Takuma Y10:30 am

    I was surprised at the difference of the food in Korea.

  12. Takuya M.10:30 am

    I think that it will be puzzled supposing I receive a culture shock.
    Since move is repeated, in Japan, I think that it can adapt.
    But, If I travel the United States, there are many differences and they will get confused.

  13. Ryota Y10:30 am

    I don't experience culture shock.
    But I think if I go to another country, I stress the way of communication.

  14. Natsumi.U10:31 am

    I never go to foreign country.
    When I see messy street,I feel cultural shock.
    I think that Janpan is relatively-clean country.

  15. Tsubasa W.10:31 am

    I experienced culture shock is people in Tokyo always busy .
    But people in Saitama isn't tight schedule.

  16. shota mayuzumi10:31 am

    I became stressed because unfamiliar and be different in attitude.

  17. takeshi T10:35 am

    I feel culture shock,when I went to Osaka.
    Because one food called different name and change seasoning in east japan and west japan.

  18. Makoto.H10:35 am

    I never go abroad, therefore I image my culture shock.
    I feel important time used.
    I will maybe be tired that difference.

  19. Kentarou T10:46 am

    There is holding plate at meals culture in few countries.
    It surprised me.
    I will take care not to hold plate in foreign country.

  20. Kyosuke M5:25 pm

    I didn't experience Culture Shock. But I can imagine. I can't eat
    another country's food maybe. For example, bugs and snake.
    Within two year, I will experience Culture Shock because I'm going to
    foreign country. I won't know till then about Culture Shock.

  21. Tatsuo.Y10:54 am

    I don't yet is the cultural shock.
    My first foreign countries are France which said by a school excursion.
    However, I don't receive the cultural shock because as there was short stay.

  22. Eiji K12:13 am

    I'm sorry for late.
    But I didn't know what occasion happens culture shock.
