Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Presentation 2 Spring 2013 Weeks 11-14: Project 3

Today we will work on our third project. First, let's do a survey for English Central. please click the link: English Central Survey. Now let's use English Central. Did you reach your goal this week?

Your third project is another group project. Work with the same group you worked with for Project 2

You and the members of your group will make a presentation about your course of study at the University of Tsukuba. 

Follow the steps below:

1.     Research and preparation
a.     The University of Tsukuba’s undergraduate education system is organised into undergraduate schools. These schools are divided into colleges. Click the link. Find information about your school and college: http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/english/organization/college.html#003
b.     Find information about your college’s curriculum
c.      Find information about majors
d.     Make notes about a project you are working on now, or a project that you want to do in the future.
2.     Write a script
a.     Write first draught
                                               i.     Introduction
                                              ii.     Description of your school
                                            iii.     Description of your college
                                            iv.     Description of your majors
                                              v.     Description of your projects
                                            vi.     Conclusion
b.     Read and edit first draught
c.      Write second draught
3.     Make Powerpoint
a.     Title slide
b.     Schools
c.      Colleges
d.     Majors
e.     Projects
f.      Conclusion
4.     Upload Powerpoint to Voicethread
5.     Record

OK, have fun doing your project!